Thursday, December 4, 2008

Legislation Thursday

ACR 115: Supports Rights of Parents
ACR 115 supports the right of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children. It expresses the Legislature’s position that the Appellate Court’s interpretation of the laws, under which parents teach their children at home, was misguided. And, it would call on the California Supreme Court to reverse the Appellate Court’s opinion. ACR 115 will not change any existing laws and it will not create any new law.
Introduced. May be assigned to a policy committee first, or be sent directly to the Assembly Floor for a vote by a date yet to be assigned.
For more information, click here.
New Jersey
Assembly Bill 375: Raising Upper Age Limit of Compulsory School Attendance
Summary: This bill raises the requirement for compulsory school attendance from 16 to 18 years of age, except for students who graduate from high school prior to their 17th birthday.
1/8/2008 Introduced, Referred to Assembly Education Committee
5/12/2008 This bill was voted out of the Education Committee and referred to the Appropriations committee.
Action Requested: Please contact the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee before Thursday and express your opposition to these bills. Your message can be as simple as:
“Please oppose Assembly Bill 375.
This costly bill will force unwilling, unmotivated older teens to remain in classrooms where they will cause disruption. Protect the right of parents to decide what educational or vocational path their 16- and 17-year-olds should follow.”

It is not necessary to identify yourself as a homeschooling family, since this bill undermines the rights of all parents. If your name begins with A-G, call group 1. If it begins with H-M, call group 2. If O-S, call group 3. T-Z call group 4. Also, call your own assemblyman, if he is listed below, regardless of what group he is in. (Use our Legislative Toolbox if you don't know the name of your assemblyman.
For more information, click here.
The actions requested in this post are not necessarily the opinions of Homeschool 101 or any of its contributors. This information was taken from the HSLDA website.


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