A Day in the Life... is a regular Tuesday column on Homeschool 101! Each week, we'll feature a new homeschooler and how they do it. We figure with 2 million plus homeschool families out there, we should have NO shortage of great families to feature here.
Everyone has something special about their homeschool and the way they do things. And we, as homeschoolers, have an insatiable curiousity about others who choose this way of life. (And let's face it... it IS a way of life and not just something that we do).
For this first edition, I thought I would start with my own family. I hope you enjoy!
Answers are in red
What state do you live in? Georgia - but mostly the state of Constant Chaos!
How long have you homeschooled? We have homeschooled for ten years.
How many children do have? We have five children (three shown). Two have graduated and are out living their own lives now. What are their ages? 3 (almost 4), 15, 15, 20, and 21.
Do you have special needs children? No, although sometimes Mom has special needs!
What is a typical schedule for you?
We try to get up about 7am and start school work by 8am. I am very schedule oriented so we try to stick to the schedule as much as possible. Like most homeschoolers, we have very full schedules with outside activities and with the two older girls being in high school, it's important not to let anything fall behind.
We try to finish around 2 or 3pm with our school work. Then, they are required to read a book I've chosen for the month for at least thirty minutes. This way, they get in the classics that I think are so important. After that, they can read for pleasure. I have one daughter who loves to read and one who could do without it - so the pleasure reading for her is not really a pleasure, but I still allow her (make her) choose a book of her own choice. :)
See Donna Young's Chore Calendar. It has really helped us stay organized. We adjusted it to fit our family.
Does it always work like this? NO! I've had to learn to be flexible sometimes.
How do handle teaching older kids with toddlers underfoot? I have some educational preschool software programs that I run on the computer for the three year old. She can do these while I sit with the older girls during their more difficult subjects. Sometimes I will do seat work with her to work on her letters and numbers. I have no problem using technology to help teach my kids. Technology is not going away, so why not use it.
How do you handle the high school subjects? I learn right along with my children. I often teach Homeschool 101 sessions to new homeschoolers and I always tell them you only have to be a day ahead of your child. Also, network! This is important for new homeschoolers and veterans alike. There is always another homeschool mom or dad out there who is better at and willing to help teach your children the more difficult subjects.
Or – do you plan to homeschool through high school? Why or why not? Yes! I have graduated two already and one is in the Air Force. Seeing the state of our school systems, there is no way I would put my children in public, or even private, school.

What curriculum do you use and why? We use a mix of things. The Internet is a terrific resource for everything! We use some Bob Jones, Alpha Omega, and for our high school subjects we use Prentice Hall, McDougal Littel and Glencoe. In the past we've used Tapestry of Grace, which I loved. It is history based and you teach more than one grade level at the same time. Very easy for those teaching multiple levels!
Are you involved with a homeschool group? Why or why not? Yes. I am President and Founder of the South Georgia Homeschool Association. To me, it's important not only for the kids' sake to be involved with a group, but for the moms' sake, as well. The mom's need as much support and networking opportunities as the children need socialization opportunities. I highly encourage getting involved with a group - or start your own!
What outside activities are you involved in? We've been in Girl Scouts for several years. I've had one daughter play violin, one volunteer at a local equine rescue barn, and another in ballet. Now, we're very much involved in our local children's theater.
(This was taken at the Juliette Low House in Savannah, Georgia. She is the Founder of Girl Scouts and Savannah is where she grew up!)
I am considering a Homeschool 101 monthly or quarterly session for new homeschoolers. I'll keep you posted if this comes to light!
Wow I love this feature, it is always good to learn how others live schooling :)
Very nice entry! I enjoy these type of posts-it is always nice to take a look into someone else's homeschool day.
I plan to have mine ready soon to e-mail to you! :)
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